To match with...
In the early hours of the morning, as he approached the Corsican coast, the emperor recognized his native island by its fragrance: the scents of lemon, patchouli and juniper berries perfume the shores. A tribute to this legendary man, a fragrance of character and subtlety.
Diffuser refill Ajaccio
A stopover in the Corsican capital, with its citrus fragrance marked by the liveliness of eucalyptus, mingled with the spice of nutmeg and the woody notes of pine and clove.
Acqua di Cavalieri
Acqua di Cavalieri, a fragrance imagined in communion between the Polo Club du Domaine de Chantilly and Casanera. A mixed fragrance that brings out the freshness of citrus fruits and wild Corsican herbs.
Bruma Di Machja
Enjoy a truly therapeutic immersion through a journey to the heart of the wild maquis among citrus, lavender, geranium and cistus. This range of 16 scents is beneficial for mind and body, providing soothing, comforting and de-stressing sensations.
Divina diffuser refill
A special affection for Marie's first fragrance. The scent and color of immortelle have always been part of her childhood memories. Aria Divina is her interpretation of the maquis in bloom in spring, with its blend of honey, myrtle flowers, cistus and immortelle blossoms.
Signoria diffuser refill
A racy, authentic fragrance created in tribute to a magical place in Calvi, La Signoria. An authentic Genoese house and its 18th-century park, with its blend of century-old pines and Mediterranean essences.
Divina Spray
A special affection for Marie's first fragrance. The scent and color of immortelle have always been part of her childhood memories. Aria Divina is her interpretation of the maquis in bloom in spring, with its blend of honey, myrtle flowers, cistus and immortelle blossoms.